Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Special dinner

There is a place near our apartment called The Suckling Pig that had pigs and ducks hanging in one display window, and some water tanks with live seafood in another. It was noticeable because of the large geoducks that were shown there. We had seen the TV episode of Dirty Jobs that showed Mike Rowe harvesting these creatures, so we just had to try it.

We looked on the menu, but did not see them. None of the staff spoke English, so I ended up escorting the waiter to the tank and pointing. He and two others on the staff started talking very fast, and one of them wrote down the number 698 and showed it to me. This geoduck was going to cost about 90 dollars!
Yep. Let's do this.

The geoduck arrived on a beautiful bowl of ice, thinly sliced with shredded daikon radish and carrot.

This was also my first experience with Mantis shrimp. They fished one out of the tank and showed it to us. It was wriggling and flopping all over. We gave our approval, but I had to take its picture first. I wondered how many other restaurant guests take so many pictures of their food before they eat it.

The result?  The geoduck was awesome! I would definitely buy one and try to prepare it myself.
The Mantis shrimp were not my favorite. They were difficult to eat and there was not much reward.
We also had Sea bass with peas, green beans with pork, and hot tea that were all amazing!

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